What outcomes should I can expect from learning with you?

Our vision is to be an institution of higher learning that fosters a broad and engaging learning culture and encourages interdisciplinary and cross-cultural education, with the overall goal of working together to produce a positive transformation of the world. We believe art should be accessible to all. We believe knowledge should be passed on to all.

Our passionate team of people will do our best to:

  • Promote the advancement of learning, knowledge and the professions and provision of education based on the premise that “Truth is One and Paths are Many”.
  • Promote the exchange of ideas in teaching methodology between different schools and educational disciplines.

We endeavour to impart the following set of values amongst all who engage and learn with us:

  • Knowledge is divine, and flows on and on
  • Search for truth
  • Seek respect for knowledge and the knowledge-giver
  • Seek perfection in technique
  • Grow into being humble, cultured artists
  • Appreciate and accept all forms of art and see the beauty in everything
  • Give, love and serve selflessly